Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 Undercovercop Kitty 1.382.205 199 6946
2 Kitty 1.279.946 165 7757
3 CSDS THEY 1.018.592 127 8020
4 ExcitedToSeeMe? Kitty 1.012.786 162 6252
5 Once Upon A Time Kitty 960.181 154 6235
6 VixFix BANG! 885.124 144 6147
7 cava Kitty 869.419 108 8050
8 Mekku13 THEY 821.678 123 6680
9 TheD0ctor Kitty 797.585 111 7185
10 IRLGraggy Kitty 783.230 141 5555
11 The White Tiger Kitty 661.172 125 5289
12 narhong Kitty 586.371 77 7615
13 Resident Sleeper THEY 586.225 119 4926
14 vTxxx BANG! 582.196 100 5822
15 The Coffee Mug Kitty 498.861 92 5422
16 Mortal Immortal BANG! 498.409 68 7330
17 ic3princ3 RSS 438.197 72 6086
18 Vbto Kitty 435.918 55 7926
19 NeilDBaby Kitty2 417.224 71 5876
20 miran751 Kitty 412.675 62 6656
21 CK71 AI 411.998 70 5886
22 lutetey99 Kitty 404.016 76 5316
23 Team Player AI 386.769 76 5089
24 Godsmack10 Bang? 383.341 76 5044
25 Manoth Kitty 382.026 93 4108
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