Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 Kitty 1.023.736 163 6281
2 Undercovercop Kitty 951.520 180 5286
3 ExcitedToSeeMe? Kitty 779.668 129 6044
4 CSDS THEY 717.736 84 8544
5 VixFix BANG! 701.371 137 5119
6 Once Upon A Time Kitty 698.802 131 5334
7 cava Kitty 697.517 96 7266
8 Mekku13 THEY 689.897 109 6329
9 TheD0ctor Kitty 606.908 99 6130
10 IRLGraggy Kitty 549.729 121 4543
11 The White Tiger Kitty 531.835 101 5266
12 vTxxx BANG! 474.278 86 5515
13 Resident Sleeper THEY 452.880 82 5523
14 narhong Kitty 398.332 54 7377
15 Mortal Immortal BANG! 377.196 50 7544
16 Cheeseballz BANG! 376.165 55 6839
17 miran751 Kitty 359.228 61 5889
18 ic3princ3 RSS 340.326 71 4793
19 The Coffee Mug Kitty 322.426 73 4417
20 Vbto Kitty 321.943 42 7665
21 Godsmack10 Bang? 321.313 54 5950
22 lutetey99 Kitty 316.877 62 5111
23 NeilDBaby Kitty2 316.039 58 5449
24 Tarnished Gotham 295.777 59 5013
25 bloatedcherub Kitty 294.804 45 6551
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