Map Ranking

DHelft clan

Tribe name:DHelft clan
Number of members:1
Points of the best 20 players1.177
Total points:1.177
Average points:1.177
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 433.925 (118.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
PendekarLama 1 1,177 732 1
DHelft was founded by DylanDgamer. If you have questions, please contact DylanDgamer.

Welcome to DHelft!

We are a tribe where everyone is welcome, whether you are a starter or an advanced player. Our goal is to create a hospitable environment where members help each other out and grow together. Join us to build a strong community, share strategies, and conquer challenges as a united force.