Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 12.184.592 (83.)
Tribe: THEM

Villages (209) Coordinates Points
001 Arrow
579|547 10.495
002 Chico
577|547 10.495
003 dos
587|543 10.495
004 Gotcha
577|545 10.495
005 Big Bang
581|547 10.495
006 Porto Vallum
579|546 10.495
007 Bellevue
585|540 10.495
008 Homecoming
576|542 10.523
009 Habo
589|560 10.495
010 P51
584|551 10.495
011 Klancac
570|543 10.495
012 Silver Creek
581|542 10.495
013 konkan
578|543 10.495
014 Run
589|559 10.728
015 FrogVille
588|555 10.636
016 Got
589|554 10.495
017 Eden
586|558 11.130
018 Milly
592|558 10.495
019 Rocfrog
584|555 10.559
020 Zdeavac
566|544 10.495
021 Frog
589|562 10.728
022 BV
597|560 10.728
023 BA
588|557 10.237
024 BB
588|558 10.237
025 BC
588|556 10.495
026 Bravesbury
578|550 10.480
027 Shrek
579|545 10.084
028 BD
591|561 10.495
029 Carici
570|538 10.495
030 Uboka
568|536 10.495
031 sv. jelena
574|546 10.495
032 Brsec
569|546 10.495
033 Martina
565|548 10.495
034 BE
592|557 10.495
035 BF
593|559 10.728
036 BG
583|560 10.495
037 AA
569|540 10.495
038 AB
571|538 10.311
039 HCB
548|524 10.362
040 Greenspan1's village
549|526 10.495
552|526 10.495
042 Predsjednik's village
553|526 10.495
043 Up
550|526 10.495
044 Down
551|526 10.495
045 Barb
567|543 10.311
544|516 10.495
569|542 10.311
569|543 10.495
547|524 10.495
541|514 10.495
542|515 10.060
541|516 10.495
544|517 10.495
538|517 10.311
544|515 10.401
543|518 10.157
580|542 10.311
579|544 10.311
059 memento vivere
541|508 10.495
578|546 10.495
580|545 10.495
062 memento vivere
541|507 10.495
542|516 10.495
542|518 10.495
065 Vault 36
549|528 10.495
597|558 10.336
595|559 10.495
596|559 10.365
597|561 10.495
070 Pleasurable Misfortune
573|555 10.654
071 Pleasurable Misfortune
573|557 10.654
072 Pleasurable Misfortune
582|553 10.654
073 Pleasurable Misfortune
574|560 10.654
074 Pleasurable Misfortune
577|562 10.654
075 Pleasurable Misfortune
580|563 10.654
076 Pleasurable Misfortune
575|562 10.654
077 Pleasurable Misfortune
579|560 10.595
078 Pleasurable Misfortune
574|556 10.503
079 Pleasurable Misfortune
581|560 10.503
080 Pleasurable Misfortune
575|560 10.654
081 Pleasurable Misfortune
581|562 10.544
082 Pleasurable Misfortune
577|560 10.595
083 Pleasurable Misfortune
579|561 10.654
084 Pleasurable Misfortune
579|562 10.787
085 Pleasurable Misfortune
580|553 10.580
086 Pleasurable Misfortune
578|557 10.654
087 Pleasurable Misfortune
576|562 10.560
088 Pleasurable Misfortune
578|562 10.654
089 Pleasurable Misfortune
575|556 10.654
090 Pleasurable Misfortune
572|557 10.575
091 Pleasurable Misfortune
574|557 10.503
092 Pleasurable Misfortune
576|560 10.457
093 Pleasurable Misfortune
576|557 10.559
094 Podpulfarca
599|551 10.217
095 suchiaminchiata
595|557 10.495
096 ---
594|558 10.495
097 ---
594|557 10.495
098 ---
595|558 10.365
099 Kikinho61ova vas
602|558 12.154
597|555 10.544
Display all leftover 109 villages
Personal picture
Personal text

Vim vi repellere omnes leges omniaque jura permittunt

Combat achievements
Death of a hero (Gold - Level 4)

While supporting other villages, lose 100.000 of your units.

Plunderer (Gold - Level 4)

Plunder resources from other villages 10.000 times.

Reliable Commander (Gold - Level 4)

Support other players 3.000 times in battles.

Successful noble claims (Gold - Level 4)

Conquer 100 claimed villages.

Leader (Silver - Level 3)

Defeat a total of 1.000.000 enemy units.

Nobles Faith (Silver - Level 3)

Defeat 100 noblemen in battle.

Robber (Silver - Level 3)

Loot a total of 1.000.000 resources.

Self-attack (Silver - Level 3)

Attack yourself and lose more than 1.000 units in one battle.

The Warlord (Silver - Level 3)

Attack 100 different players

Wallbreaker (Silver - Level 3)

Destroy 2.500 Wall levels using your rams.

Conquest (Bronze - Level 2)

Conquer a total of 50 villages.

Demolisher (Bronze - Level 2)

Destroy 250 building levels using catapults.

Master of the Battlefield (Bronze - Level 2)

Completely destroy 250 hostile armies.

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.

Scout Hunter (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat 25 scouting attacks.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Social achievements
Beloved Friend (Bronze - Level 2)

Make a total of 15 friendships.

Brothers in Arms (Bronze - Level 2)

Be a member of the same tribe for 60 consecutive days.

The mentor (Wood - Level 1)

As a mentor, train 1 apprentice.

Growth achievements
Band of Brothers (Gold - Level 4)

Have 10 paladins.

Gatherer (Gold - Level 4)

Scavenge a total of 100.000.000 resources.

Librarian (Gold - Level 4)

Discover 12 unique Skill Books.

Market Guru (Gold - Level 4)

Trade resources using the market 1.000 times.

Paladin's level (Gold - Level 4)

Level up your paladin to level 30.

Recruitment Drive (Gold - Level 4)

Recruit a total of 1.000.000 units!

Accomplished student (Silver - Level 3)

Improve your paladins' skills to a combined total of 100 skill levels.

Architect (Silver - Level 3)

Build a total of 5.000 building levels!

Continent scorer (Silver - Level 3)

Make it into the top 5 of a continent!

Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Wealth comes in gold (Silver - Level 3)

Mint 5.000 gold coins.

Out of time (Bronze - Level 2)

Use the instant complete option 100 times!

Top scorer (Bronze - Level 2)

Make it into the top 100 in the world.

Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)

Complete 40 quests!

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 6)

Play Tribal Wars for 6 years.

Castle Assault: It Goes Boom!

Lead the Bombardment action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: Join the fun! (Gold - Level 4)

Contribute 15.000 medals to help the tribe.

Castle Assault: On the Front Line!

Lead the Assault action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: Row Faster!

Lead the Naval Supply action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: Siegelord (Gold - Level 4)

Participate in the destruction of 8 castles.

Seas of Fortune: Explorer (Gold - Level 4)

Explore 40 regions.

Seas of Fortune: Great Discovery (Gold - Level 4)

Explore 4 different islands.

Noble's Fair: The wheel keeps spinning (Bronze - Level 2)

Spin the wheel 10 times.

Noble's Fair: Enjoying the Fair (Wood - Level 1)

Finish 2 activity mini-games in the Noble's fair.

Achievements on other worlds
World 117

World 118

World 124

World 135

World 138

Casual 9

World 125

High Performance

World 119

World 126

World 127

World 128

World 132

World 133

World 139

World 141

World 142

World 120

World 123

World 129

World 136

World 137


Casual 12