Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 1.293.227 (61.)
Tribe: THGB

Villages (1) Coordinates Points
#005 W141 Here we come
443|615 5.621
Personal text
Now where did I leave my keys?

Byeiksar isn't having a good day.

006.Mataban (472|606) K64

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 16:50:19

Byeiksar has won

Attacker's luck

Luck 1.0%

Morale: 100%

Attacker: OMGItzMacke
Origin: #001 W141 Here we come (463|601) K64
Quantity: 2728127020253441
Losses: 2728127020253441
Buffs: Catapult: +55% damage against buildings
Axeman: +41% attack power
Light cavalry: +41% attack power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% stealth
Mounted archer: +36% attack power

Defender: Byeiksar
Destination: 006.Mataban (472|606) K64

None of your troops have returned. No information about the strength of your enemy's army could be collected.

Damage by rams: The Wall has been damaged and downgraded from level 20 to level 14
Damage by catapults: The Academy has been damaged and downgraded from level 1 to level 0

#001 321,040 XP

003.Myaungmya (477|604) K64

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 19:14:44

OMGItzMacke has won

Attacker's luck

Luck 11.4%

Morale: 100%

Attacker: OMGItzMacke
Origin: #002 W141 Here we come (462|604) K64
Quantity: 130025
Losses: 1424
Buffs: Catapult: +25% damage against buildings
Axeman: +5% attack power
Light cavalry: +5% attack power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% stealth

Defender: Byeiksar
Destination: 003.Myaungmya (477|604) K64
Quantity: 10010070
Losses: 10010070
Buffs: Spear fighter: +5% defense power
Swordsman: +5% defense power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% perception
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power

Haul: 4.135 3.962 4.803 12.900/12.900
Damage by catapults: The Academy has been damaged and downgraded from level 1 to level 0

004.Ava (480|605) K64

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 20:48:10

Byeiksar has won

Attacker's luck

-7.4% Misfortune

Morale: 100%

Attacker: OMGItzMacke
Origin: #002 W141 Here we come (462|604) K64
Quantity: 125
Losses: 125
Buffs: Catapult: +25% damage against buildings
Axeman: +5% attack power
Light cavalry: +5% attack power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% stealth

Defender: Byeiksar
Destination: 004.Ava (480|605) K64

None of your troops have returned. No information about the strength of your enemy's army could be collected.

Buffs: Spear fighter: +5% defense power
Swordsman: +5% defense power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% perception
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power

Damage by catapults: The Academy has been damaged and downgraded from level 1 to level 0

007.Kaungtone (480|608) K64

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 21:00:02

Byeiksar has won

Attacker's luck

Luck 3.5%

Morale: 100%

Attacker: OMGItzMacke
Origin: #002 W141 Here we come (462|604) K64
Quantity: 120025
Losses: 120025
Buffs: Catapult: +25% damage against buildings
Axeman: +5% attack power
Light cavalry: +5% attack power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% stealth

Defender: Byeiksar
Destination: 007.Kaungtone (480|608) K64

None of your troops have returned. No information about the strength of your enemy's army could be collected.

Buffs: Spear fighter: +7% defense power
Swordsman: +7% defense power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% perception
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Archer: +2% defense power

Damage by catapults: The Academy has been damaged and downgraded from level 1 to level 0

009.Mandalay (469|603) K64

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 21:28:11

OMGItzMacke has won

Attacker's luck

-14.9% Misfortune

Morale: 100%

Attacker: Byeiksar
Origin: 009.Mandalay (469|603) K64
Quantity: 66612025611952501611
Losses: 66612025611952501611
Flag: +8% Attack strength
Buffs: Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +10% attack power
Light cavalry: +10% attack power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Catapult: +35% damage against buildings
Mounted archer: +5% attack power

Defender: OMGItzMacke
Destination: #010 W141 Here we come (463|606) K64

Hidden by the report owner.

Buffs: Spear fighter: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% perception
Archer: +30% defense power
+6% Wall effectiveness
+30% building defense vs siege

Damage by rams: The Wall has been damaged and downgraded from level 5 to level 0
Damage by catapults: The Farm has been damaged and downgraded from level 26 to level 25

#003 659,470 XP
#002 659,470 XP

012.Amarapura (467|608) K64

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 22:56:25

OMGItzMacke has won

Attacker's luck

Luck 0.8%

Morale: 100%

Attacker: Byeiksar
Origin: 012.Amarapura (467|608) K64
Quantity: 682150249715527017611
Losses: 682150249715527017611
Flag: +5% Attack strength
Buffs: Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +35% attack power
Light cavalry: +35% attack power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Catapult: +55% damage against buildings
Mounted archer: +30% attack power

Defender: OMGItzMacke
Destination: #010 W141 Here we come (463|606) K64

Hidden by the report owner.

Buffs: Spear fighter: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% perception
Archer: +30% defense power
+6% Wall effectiveness
+30% building defense vs siege

Damage by rams: The Wall has been damaged and downgraded from level 6 to level 0
Damage by catapults: The Headquarters has been damaged and downgraded from level 7 to level 2

#003 632,533 XP
#002 632,533 XP

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 22:56:25

OMGItzMacke has won

Attacker's luck

-7.8% Misfortune

Morale: 100%

Attacker: Byeiksar
Origin: 012.Amarapura (467|608) K64
Quantity: 1001
Losses: 1001
Flag: +5% Attack strength
Buffs: Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% attack power
Light cavalry: +5% attack power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Catapult: +25% damage against buildings

Defender: OMGItzMacke
Destination: #010 W141 Here we come (463|606) K64

Hidden by the report owner.

Buffs: Spear fighter: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% perception
Archer: +30% defense power
+6% Wall effectiveness
+30% building defense vs siege

#002 5,764 XP

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 22:56:25

OMGItzMacke has won

Attacker's luck

-11.4% Misfortune

Morale: 100%

Attacker: Byeiksar
Origin: 012.Amarapura (467|608) K64
Quantity: 1001
Losses: 1001
Flag: +5% Attack strength
Buffs: Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% attack power
Light cavalry: +5% attack power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Catapult: +25% damage against buildings

Defender: OMGItzMacke
Destination: #010 W141 Here we come (463|606) K64

Hidden by the report owner.

Buffs: Spear fighter: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% perception
Archer: +30% defense power
+6% Wall effectiveness
+30% building defense vs siege

#002 5,764 XP

Sent: Jun 26, 2024 22:56:25

OMGItzMacke has won

Attacker's luck

Luck 24.8%

Morale: 100%

Attacker: Byeiksar
Origin: 012.Amarapura (467|608) K64
Quantity: 1001
Losses: 1001
Flag: +5% Attack strength
Buffs: Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% attack power
Light cavalry: +5% attack power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Catapult: +25% damage against buildings

Defender: OMGItzMacke
Destination: #010 W141 Here we come (463|606) K64

Hidden by the report owner.

Buffs: Spear fighter: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +35% defense power
Swordsman: +5% offense and defense power
Axeman: +5% offense and defense power
Scout: +5% perception
Archer: +30% defense power
+6% Wall effectiveness
+30% building defense vs siege

#002 5,764 XP

Ukdevil doesn't like scouts.

Either way enjoy 140 I’m off to 141

Achievements on other worlds
World 138