Map Ranking


Number of members:4
Points of the best 20 players2.355
Total points:2.355
Average points:589
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 442.928 (89.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
HOL1GAN 1 1,372 2269 1
DaPinkMaster 2 983 2551 1
DEUSLAR 3 0 6282 0
Mrs Mia 4 0 6286 0
A shadow silently disappearing into the depths of the night heralds a tale of fear that roams the dark realms. It is known as the "Vampire Army," and their shadows wander the dark streets, mysterious forests, and forgotten places.

This clan represents a legacy carrying the dark secrets of the past and humanity's deepest fears. Their blood-fueled lives are fragments of a tale that has spanned centuries. The purpose of this army, existing to hunt humans and other creatures, is to preserve their own existence and power.

The leaders of the Vampire Army are endowed with ancient wisdom and a powerful force. The other vampires gathered around them are those who hear the call from the depths of darkness and unite under this strong leadership. Bound to each other, protecting one another, and sharing their powers, this clan not only enhances the strength of vampires within but also acts together against external threats.

However, the existence of the Vampire Army is not merely a hidden threat but also a symbol of profound allure and unknown power. Their story is a reflection of the eternal dance between darkness and light. And this tale is just a part of a legend that will continue to be told for centuries to come.

Brave warriors of the Vampire Army, when the dark night falls, we shall unite our powers to overcome our enemies!