Map Ranking

Tribal Knights

Tribe name:Tribal Knights
Number of members:11
Points of the best 20 players90.538
Total points:90.538
Average points:8.231
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.497.873 (62.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
darkgreen 1 23,353 706 7
Silver Shanks 2 16,745 833 3
troubadourkr 3 10,358 1010 2
TheInsaneOne 4 9,530 1053 2
kingas 5 6,899 1205 2
Tilakreddy 6 4,915 1381 1
VallyLili 7 4,825 1393 1
zithromax 8 4,104 1488 1
blackdeja 9 3,534 1597 1
Greg Stephens 10 3,192 1676 1
Gtalker34 11 3,083 1698 1
Tribal Knights

We live by the sword and die by the sword, We may be knocked down but we will always rise again!

We fight together, grow together and will survive together!

T~K T~K2 T~K3

We are a brotherhood and we will always protect our own!

For any diplomacy matters please contact: