Map Ranking

Artificial Intelligence

Tribe name:Artificial Intelligence
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players3.336.901
Total points:3.336.901
Average points:166.845
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 19.015.493 (1.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
CK71 1 335,580 24 59
Team Player 2 316,636 26 70
Mutsu 3 275,888 33 51
ZukmyZik 4 266,240 43 52
Virtu 5 244,807 54 42
user 6 211,443 65 58
ruab 7 199,236 70 52
Black Hammer138 8 175,356 86 56
Mc Coys 9 177,562 92 26
MrNakata 10 145,930 117 34
Teo-82 11 141,128 127 24
BluVirus 12 134,747 130 19
Sava 13 129,556 136 20
Serious George 14 125,408 145 20
Sneakerman 15 104,934 178 23
0utl4w 16 102,451 181 15
lyj9489 17 88,809 205 14
Joe--Lilley 18 83,664 219 14
pilgramer 19 57,638 336 10
J001 20 19,888 563 4
Artificial Intelligence Is Taking Over The World :(

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks that are commonly associated with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason.

Is It Innevitable?
Can We Stop It From happening?

Recruitment - Limited
Diplomacy - Selective