Map Ranking

Indian Stammen

Tribe name:Indian Stammen
Number of members:5
Points of the best 20 players504.891
Total points:504.891
Average points:100.978
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.224.552 (68.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
I am Groot 1 146,762 175 28
hoooooop (Diplomat) 2 133,621 194 24
Didde (Diplomat) 3 93,915 272 22
Lord Wotus (General) 4 71,976 344 14
Admiralen1728 (Terrorist) 5 58,617 398 15
Indian Stammen always negotiates with terrorists.

For questions please contact our tribe diplomats Didde or hoooooop.
For questions regarding war or our agenda please contact General Lord Wotus.

The war on peace wages on!