Map Ranking


Tribe name:Skool1
Number of members:17
Points of the best 20 players308.398
Total points:308.398
Average points:18.141
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.946.460 (49.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Racy92 1 70,198 358 15
Lord Torben 2 32,261 580 11
King Albert 3 31,104 596 9
Fullast 4 23,173 695 6
thegreenninja 5 21,610 720 7
ronin44 6 18,954 767 5
Grape Ape 7 18,103 790 4
Ostkungen 26 8 17,404 814 6
4RZC4 9 15,176 860 5
Lord Imba 10 12,756 923 4
DerAlte089 11 11,345 962 5
Curlylife 12 10,368 997 5
Trud 13 10,140 1006 5
Billthebold7 14 9,377 1048 5
Svenskaja 15 6,096 1256 3
JessieVania 16 333 3182 1
DeeCee 17 0 5205 0
Skool1 was founded by Racy92. If you have questions please contact Racy92.

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especially op planning