Map Ranking


Tribe name:Sunshine
Number of members:18
Points of the best 20 players30.194
Total points:30.194
Average points:1.677
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 96.640 (203.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
sagar656 1 8,773 1089 3
johng113 2 2,959 1729 1
PelleBra 3 2,757 1776 1
DirePants 4 2,476 1844 2
shrekisme 5 1,990 2001 1
calumzky 6 1,745 2112 1
kral6266 7 1,677 2144 1
AlexD98 8 1,509 2217 1
sdmr 9 1,371 2322 1
sunny2nos 10 1,145 2429 1
Bravo Golf 11 961 2574 1
the Philippines 12 951 2581 1
sandcroch 13 679 2820 1
cf9898 14 615 2869 1
BatMule 15 305 3293 1
dheki7 16 176 3701 1
USstates2009 17 105 3985 1
RobinR25 18 0 5539 0
MERRET was founded by sagar656. If you have questions please contact sagar656.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.