Map Ranking


Tribe name:SIDESWIPE
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players615.902
Total points:615.902
Average points:30.795
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.231.389 (67.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
SloppyIsBack 1 69,726 350 11
Kastle 2 69,194 353 13
thefreakyman 3 58,935 397 13
killer4 4 54,967 415 10
CuriousTyler 5 48,300 445 15
kinkeebabe 6 48,146 446 12
I.R.Tigah 7 47,096 455 10
xvad 8 41,797 491 7
vampirism 9 30,376 597 4
Lord Kluten 10 29,667 611 4
SVGhost 11 25,030 684 7
ludicoco 12 18,415 795 4
Mocho.velho 13 18,084 802 5
LEAODEN3DJE 14 16,128 847 4
nyeelkhan 15 12,059 959 6
blackdream 16 8,985 1077 4
livenrare 17 5,659 1306 2
5071 18 5,642 1308 2
KuntanaWP 19 4,109 1488 1
Drasuten 20 3,587 1587 1
Do you have what it takes to attack from the SIDES in SILENCE?

Our academy tribe is ~SW~. K-63 has oil so K-63 is our home.


Status: Status: Open | Selectively Open | Closed

For diplomatic matters, do contact our Ambassadors Gin122, SloppyIsBack, SVGhost, xvad, Kastle, and kinkeebabe


Status: Open | Selectively Open | Closed

Our finest recruiters Gin122, SloppyIsBack, xvad, SVGhost, kinkeebabe and CuriousTyler can assist with recruitment inquiries.