Map Ranking


Tribe name:Jurrassic_World
Number of members:9
Points of the best 20 players56.896
Total points:56.896
Average points:6.322
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 83.350 (220.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
ChakNorri 1 7,922 1117 1
Xeretio Seng 2 7,914 1118 1
Lord Penelopas 3 7,844 1123 1
Mr. Funtardi 4 7,607 1146 1
Lord barista 5 6,697 1206 1
Cilen-cilen 6 5,792 1274 1
Programat-10 7 5,788 1276 1
Lord Eretik 777 8 4,634 1412 1
TransFury 9 2,698 1751 1
JuWo was founded by Lord Penelopas. If you have questions please contact Lord Penelopas.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.