Map Ranking

Lego Engineers

Tribe name:Lego Engineers
Number of members:11
Points of the best 20 players209.092
Total points:209.092
Average points:19.008
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 714.156 (93.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
hmiedoe 1 54,493 417 13
Vixatry 2 46,013 460 10
TheNightKeeper 3 35,257 550 10
Ripfin 4 27,953 637 7
Inuym 5 26,304 661 7
joze123 6 4,675 1410 3
yugglr 7 3,909 1527 1
Brigante 7 8 3,624 1580 2
antz1989 9 3,582 1589 2
BadGirl 10 1,836 2069 1
Fitzy. 11 1,446 2248 1
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”
― Sun-Tzu

Diplomat and recruiter Vixatry