Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day

In a day

Highest scores achieved in one day (0:00:00 to 23:59:59)


Rank Name Tribe Score Date
1 Sanlup BANG! 127.661 24.06.2024
2 TheD0ctor Kitty 107.921 24.06.2024
3 Wolf of Hahn St THEY 91.184 20.06.2024
4 CSDS THEY 87.459 20.06.2024
5 narhong Kitty 82.896 18.06.2024
6 lutetey99 Kitty 78.343 yesterday
7 ExcitedToSeeMe? Kitty 78.177 15.06.2024
8 Mortal Immortal BANG! 76.565 22.06.2024
9 cava Kitty 61.817 22.06.2024
10 IRLGraggy Kitty 59.602 12.06.2024
11 Mutsu AI 58.297 16.06.2024
12 The Coffee Mug Kitty 56.623 21.06.2024
13 Team Player AI 55.907 24.06.2024
14 ic3princ3 RSS 54.440 12.06.2024
15 VixFix BANG! 54.008 08.06.2024
16 DuelPasta NWO 52.847 20.06.2024
17 Mekku13 THEY 52.261 20.06.2024
18 magicalunicorn Bois 50.850 20.06.2024
19 Unknown THEY 50.670 20.06.2024
20 Titans Fury THEY 47.531 25.06.2024
21 guhra BANG! 46.773 22.06.2024
22 NinjaGosling R.O.D 46.625 11.06.2024
23 Crez1991 BANG! 45.034 14.06.2024
24 Daddy Ashen 44.316 23.06.2024
25 All Under Heaven HELL 43.245 22.06.2024
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