Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 Undercovercop Kitty 1.568.897 203 7729
2 Kitty 1.555.473 186 8363
3 ExcitedToSeeMe? Kitty 1.206.573 182 6630
4 Once Upon A Time Kitty 1.148.870 184 6244
5 CSDS THEY 1.121.612 133 8433
6 VixFix BANG! 1.016.002 144 7056
7 cava Kitty 997.107 138 7225
8 IRLGraggy Kitty 965.038 154 6266
9 Mekku13 THEY 926.569 125 7413
10 TheD0ctor Kitty 876.416 113 7756
11 The White Tiger Kitty 781.337 149 5244
12 Resident Sleeper THEY 718.606 132 5444
13 vTxxx BANG! 718.538 121 5938
14 narhong Kitty 696.683 83 8394
15 Mortal Immortal BANG! 549.084 70 7844
16 The Coffee Mug Kitty 548.464 95 5773
17 lutetey99 Kitty 520.351 102 5101
18 Godsmack10 Bang? 517.589 85 6089
19 ic3princ3 RSS 511.844 75 6825
20 miran751 Kitty 506.910 72 7040
21 Vbto Kitty 496.628 61 8141
22 CK71 Unity 494.653 81 6107
23 NeilDBaby Kitty2 493.674 75 6582
24 Manoth Kitty 477.079 99 4819
25 Daddy Ashen 471.620 69 6835
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