Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 Undercovercop Kitty 1.441.496 199 7244
2 Kitty 1.323.610 165 8022
3 ExcitedToSeeMe? Kitty 1.064.525 166 6413
4 CSDS THEY 1.042.619 130 8020
5 Once Upon A Time Kitty 1.014.719 159 6382
6 VixFix BANG! 919.586 144 6386
7 cava Kitty 903.138 112 8064
8 IRLGraggy Kitty 861.845 149 5784
9 Mekku13 THEY 847.523 125 6780
10 TheD0ctor Kitty 815.452 111 7346
11 The White Tiger Kitty 682.820 135 5058
12 narhong Kitty 625.863 80 7823
13 vTxxx BANG! 621.647 108 5756
14 Resident Sleeper THEY 616.148 129 4776
15 Mortal Immortal BANG! 517.673 69 7503
16 The Coffee Mug Kitty 508.785 94 5413
17 lutetey99 Kitty 479.841 87 5515
18 ic3princ3 RSS 467.262 72 6490
19 Vbto Kitty 452.625 56 8083
20 CK71 AI 444.654 74 6009
21 NeilDBaby Kitty2 437.782 72 6080
22 miran751 Kitty 425.264 62 6859
23 Godsmack10 Bang? 424.797 79 5377
24 Team Player AI 409.675 77 5320
25 Manoth Kitty 409.129 94 4352
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