Map Ranking

Ride Or Die

Tribe name:Ride Or Die
Number of members:4
Points of the best 20 players12.396
Total points:12.396
Average points:3.099
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 11.219.848 (7.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Aametsu 1 9,280 1061 3
NinjaGosling 2 3,116 1703 2
iamlittle 3 0 5455 0
bob-of-doom 4 0 5623 0
In a world where alliances shift like the sands of time we are here to show others the meaning of loyalty.

We place commitment and unwavering trust upon our members and respect to get back the same. We are tired of seeing so many bad faith actors on Tribalwars and we're looking to find players who still play with honor

We fight not only for glory and conquest but for the enduring values that define us:
loyalty, honor, and solidarity.

andrew330077 and iamlittle

Ronin Miyamoto Musashi

Recruitment: MrNakata

We believe that true strength lies not in numbers alone, but in the unbreakable bonds that tie us together. In our tribe, every voice is heard, every opinion valued, and every member cherished.