Map Ranking


Tribe name:PLaGuE
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players1.460.938
Total points:1.460.938
Average points:73.047
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 2.307.025 (37.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Nupstar 1 134,084 186 19
tjege6636 2 102,710 242 15
Wireless 3 98,995 253 15
AlienPitBull 4 96,964 255 20
marauder66 5 88,339 279 17
Dustius (Second in command) 6 85,988 282 15
Sholo 7 84,118 293 18
tiedel 8 81,949 300 11
ibrb 9 79,359 311 16
aLeejandro15 10 79,021 312 11
Narvaneon 11 76,031 325 13
hellsjester 12 75,030 328 10
atakie 13 73,628 336 11
Sensejs 14 54,190 414 10
Lord zany 15 52,448 420 11
Ukdevil (Commander of tribes) 16 43,403 478 7
HeadStapler 17 41,954 486 8
Optimood 18 40,304 509 6
BePatient 19 38,014 526 9
Gal1leo 20 34,409 557 6
PLG was founded by Ukdevil. If you have questions please contact Ukdevil.

We only want infected addicts ..true tw players with all the experience of creating fear and destruction and playing as a team player to kill the enemies by our PLaGuE of death skull_and_crossbones skull skull_and_crossbones




Recruitment.. contact leadership

Diplomatic relations.. Selective

Contact: Ukdevil for diplomatic situations naps or to become allied to our Tribes

We as a tribe are part of a group of different tribes all allied to defend each other and act as one on defense and wars.

We welcome alliances that are dedicated to fair play and fun
contact me directly if you wish to join the group